Daily Dose of Cute

This is Dudley's subtle way of letting me know he'd like me to stop watching CNN and serve up his dinner now, please.

Video Description: Dudley the Greyhound stands at the far end of the dining room, looking at me. He does a dramatic play-bow, scratching at the floor, then spins in a circle. "What are you doing?!" I ask him with mock outrage. His ears go up. "What do you think you're doing, Dudley?" He stares at me. "What a goofball." He spins in a circle then gallops toward me. Spins! Gallops halfway back! Spins! Comes toward me! Gallops all the way back to the far side of the room. Stands and stares at me. "What a goofball!" He gallops back, pivots, gallops away again. Back and forth, back and forth. Matilda the Cat, sitting on a dining room chair, watches him go back and forth, her head turning like she's viewing a high-speed tennis match.

"Dramatic!" I tell him. He spins in a circle. "Dramatic dog." One ear goes up. "Do you want a little bone?" I ask him. ("Little bone" is what we call dog biscuits at Shakes Manor.) He gallops toward me, then races back and forth some more. Zelda comes into frame and sits beside me. When he comes back toward us, she play-bows at him. He runs away. "Go get him, Zelly!" I say. She runs the other direction, trying to entice him to chase her. But he is a greyhound on a mission.

Back and forth. He gallops back toward me then comes to a stop, panting, his tongue lolling out of his mouth. He looks at me then takes off again.

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