Democratic Debate Wrap-Up

So, Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders met for yet another debate in New York last night, ahead of next Tuesday's New York primary, and the gloves came off.

The Washington Post has a complete transcript, and, as always, I've Storified my tweets for anyone who wants to read them.

The story of this debate was that it was a perfect reflection of the entire primary: Hillary Clinton was a policy wonk who spoke in nuance and detail, and Bernie Sanders was a polemicist who spoke in promises and jeremiads.

The difference in their styles was thoroughly evident, right down to their body language. They interrupted each other probably in equal measure; it was really what they did when they weren't interrupting each other that I found of interest.

When Sanders spoke, Clinton would (generally) turn slightly toward him and look at him and listen while he spoke. When Clinton spoke, Sanders would (generally) look down or at the moderators, wagging his finger and making faces.

Clinton is a listener; Sanders is a lecturer. And it was very evident, just watching them onstage together.


I can't imagine that the debate would have changed anyone's mind if their mind was already made up. I'm guessing it just underlined for each of the candidates' supporters why they're supporting them.

It certainly did for me, anyway.

And, of course, underscored that either one of them is galaxies better than anyone the Republicans will put forth as their nominee.

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