Hillary Clinton released a new ad this weekend ahead of the New York primary, going straight for Donald Trump and his despicable platform:
Male Voiceover, over clips of Donald Trump juxtaposed with images of people from the populations he attacks: He says we should punish women who have abortions. (Trump: There has to be some form of punishment.) That Mexicans who come to America are rapists. (Trump: They're rapists.) And that we should ban Muslims from coming here at all. (Trump: Total and complete shutdown.)LIKE. I especially like the framing that she's "tough enough to stop Trump," because I am keenly aware how much that's going to get under Donald Trump's thin skin. He is so invested in the image of himself as a tough guy, but he's terribly brittle and insecure. And he's extremely resentful of strong women.
Cut to clip of Clinton at a campaign event in New York saying: Donald Trump says we can solve America's problems by turning against each other. It's wrong, and it goes against everything New York and America stand for.
Voiceover: With so much at stake, she's the one tough enough to stop Trump. Hillary Clinton.
Clinton in voiceover: I'm Hillary Clinton, and I approve this message.
A woman coming at him with a message that she's tougher than he is will needle him good.
And, of course, there's the not-incidental fact that it's also true.
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