[Content Note: War on agency. NB: Not only women need access to abortion.]
"Everything I've heard from Donald Trump and his fellow Republican candidates for president has convinced me that they have no regard for women or our ability to maintain autonomy over our own lives and futures. They all want limited government—except when it comes to intruding on women's health. Reproductive health and rights are a fundamental part of women's health and rights. And reproductive health includes abortion. So defending women's health and rights means defending access to abortion—not just in principle but in practice. In 1995, I traveled to Beijing for the Fourth U.N. World Conference on Women. I addressed human rights abuses in China—including violations of reproductive rights. The message of that conference still echoes around the world today: women's rights are human rights. And reproductive rights are human rights, too."—Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, affirming her commitment to abortion access, in a great essay.
[H/T to Shaker Lysis.]
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