On Wednesday night, at a Bernie Sanders rally in New York City, a Sanders surrogate implied that Hillary Clinton is a "corporate Democratic whore."
Then, on Friday, protesters targeting a Clinton fundraiser with Amal and George Clooney chanted: "Hey hey, ho ho, Hillary Clinton has got to go." (That is, of course, a traditional chant, but it also doesn't exist in a vacuum.)
At the same fundraiser, Sanders supporters [CN: video autoplays at link] threw dollar bills at Clinton's motorcade.
A thousand dollars rained down on her car as it passed the protesters. Who were protesting an event which was raising money for down ballot Democratic races.
Between tweeting about that and promoting my piece complimenting Clinton's tenacity, I got a lot of pushback on Twitter over the weekend, much of it along the usual lines of how I just don't understand politics.
I had a few things to say about that, and I have Storified my tweetstorm in "I Have Thought About Politics."
I have spent a lot of years thinking an awful lot about patterns of misogyny and about politics. And I am right at the end of my fucking rope with people coming at me like I'm new and/or like I'm stupid.
It's not because I can't take it; Maude knows I navigate far worse every day than some dipshit treating me like I don't know anything. It's because this is not how a progressive movement is built. You don't build a movement by treating the people who have been around a minute like they're useless garbage.
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