
Hey, remember when I was complaining about a candidate ignoring the AAPI (Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders) population in California? You probably do, since it was just yesterday!

The AAPI community is largely ignored in the wider political conversation, so it's extremely frustrating when candidates have an opportunity to reach out to them and respond with a shrug.

It's also extremely exciting and happy-making when they don't!

"Clinton Sole Presidential Hopeful to Attend Asian-American Forum, Joining Obama."
Democrat Hillary Clinton is the only presidential contender scheduled to attend a reception next week organized by a leading political association of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders as she seeks to consolidate her support from minority voters.

The Asian Pacific American Institute for Congressional Studies Leadership Network, a nonpartisan group that seeks to get Asian Americans elected to political office, said on Wednesday that it had invited all presidential hopefuls to the event in Washington, but Clinton was the only one to accept.

..."We are a vote that is becoming increasingly powerful," said Rep. Judy Chu, a Democrat in Congress representing California, who will introduce Clinton at the event. "In this election we are the swing vote in the swing states," Chu said, pointing to Virginia and Nevada.

...Clinton will be joining President Barack Obama, who is scheduled to make the keynote address at the event.

This is exactly the kind of outreach I want my president to be doing and the inclusively I want my president to be modeling. I'm glad the current president is attending this event, and I'm glad my future (fingers crossed!) president is attending, too.

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