Heaving Sigh

[Content Note: Misogyny.]

Not that I need to tell y'all this, but of course I don't mean that policy differences with or legitimate criticisms of Hillary Clinton are misogynist. If she shoe doesn't fit, don't wear it etc.

But naturally that it how it is being (mis)interpreted in order to scream at me that I'm an embarrassment to feminism and a man-hater and other things that definitely convince me that there's no misogyny at play. Ahem.

Also have you heard I'm fat? IT'S TRUE!


Here's the thing: I recognize that there are people who have policy differences and legitimate criticisms of Hillary Clinton. I am one of those people! I work with some resolute Clinton supporters, and I don't know a single one who isn't one of those people! I've literally never heard anyone I know argue that Clinton is perfect or above criticism. Hillary Clinton herself doesn't claim to be perfect or above criticism.

But I also recognize that there are an awful lot of people who just hate the fuck out Clinton and use legitimate criticisms other people have made of her to justify their hatred.

And telling the difference between someone making a valid and thoughtful criticism and someone who has appropriated a valid and thoughtful criticism to engage in sneering hatred is actually not at all difficult.

* * *

Relatedly, I've got a new piece up at BNR: "Bernie Just Got Four More Pinocchios—But Hillary Is Painted as a Liar."

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