Like a Boss

[Content Note: Misogyny.]

I've got a new piece up at BNR exploring how many of the negative narratives used about Hillary Clinton are the same ones we hear used about female bosses:
Ask some people who have never worked for a woman why they wouldn't want to and you'll hear a familiar litany of sexist tropes: Female bosses are unqualified; they're unlikable; they're too cold or too weak; they're bad for other women; they're moody; they're bitches. Many of the negative narratives about Hillary Clinton closely mirror negative narratives about female bosses.

...I've long noticed that the more I am warned about a female colleague before I meet her, the more likely I am to like her. A lot.

This was also my experience with Hillary Clinton, once I started getting to "know" her via deep-diving into her history and career. All of the narratives I'd heard about her, some of which I assumed to be true, fell away in fluttering confetti of discreditation.

When I have spoken to people who've worked for her—women and men, white and people of color, queer and straight—they have all told me the same, to a person: She is kind. She is an incredibly thoughtful boss. The monster of infamy never appears.
Click on through to read the whole thing!

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