Trump is currently positioned to lose to Hillary in November. He wants Bernie to run as an Independent because it's Trump's best—and possibly only—chance to win.Click through to read the whole thing!
And then there is this: Trump is, as is manifestly obvious to anyone who has paid even the most basic attention to the man, catastrophically insecure. Beneath the superlative-riddled braggadocio, he has a precariously fragile ego that is bound up in a friable masculinity, constantly at imminent risk of collapse if a woman ever bests him.
...Hillary is not merely Trump's equal: She is clearly his better, in every conceivable way—particularly in the ways that matter most in a presidential contest. She is smarter, she is more knowledgeable, she is more competent, she is more empathetic, she has a more suitable temperament, and, yes, she is even more likable.
Basically, she is Trump's worst nightmare. A woman he cannot control. A woman against whom he has to compete as an equal. A woman who can beat him.
I can't think of a greater mortification to a man whose entire self-worth is rooted in a superiority to women than to be destroyed on a highly visible international scale by a woman.
Trump isn't a joke; he never has been and never will be. But he well deserves every gale of mirthless laughter that any woman directs at him.
Speaking of which: Here's Clinton mocking Trump (again)! I love it when she goes there. Oh how I love it.
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