[Content Note: Misogyny.]
Donald Trump spent the weekend disgorging vomitous streams of escalating misogyny against Hillary Clinton and Elizabeth Warren. He added disgusting commentary about Clinton's marriage and about Warren's heritage to his usual "woman card" repertoire, while continuing to bray about how he'd be awesome for women.
Meanwhile, the media's favorite new segment is musing about what female politician Trump might choose as his running mate in order to neutralize criticisms of his misogyny and attract more female support. Because obviously women are completely stupid.
I am, quite frankly, livid that the election in which we have the best chance of electing the first ever female president is simultaneously an election which is profoundly upsetting for so many women. Who risk being triggered just by following the news.
I am angry that the media barely mention the historic nature of Clinton's candidacy, and uncritically report Trump's misogyny.
And I grieve that Hillary Clinton has spent decades grinding her way through unfathomable amounts of mountainous shit in order to arrive at this moment: On the precipice of the presidency, only to be greeted by a final boss armed with the most vile misogyny.
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