While campaigning in South Bend, Indiana, yesterday, Donald Trump opened his mouth and poured out this toxic sludge:
Trump also addressed one of his biggest general election liabilities: His terrible standing among female voters, who in Clinton could have the chance to vote for the first female president. "Women are looking for security in our country and they know I'm going to do the best job," he said, pivoting to attack Clinton's record in that arena. "When they called her on Benghazi she was sleeping, folks."Great job, Trump! Great job, Bernie! You make quite the impressive team of dudes running against Hillary Clinton by saying totally stupid shit about her.
Earlier in the day in Carmel, Trump seized on Bernie Sanders' contention that Clinton isn't "qualified" to be president. "Bad judgment. I didn't say it," Trump said. "A lot of people said it. … It was said by Bernie. But I can't take any any heat if it was said by Bernie."
Also: I am already 100% exhausted with Trump making claims about what "women" think about him. I'm sure there are indeed some women who believe that Trump will "do the best job" on national security, because this is a big damn country with lots of people who have lots of different opinions! But not all women agree. To the absolute contrary, I would sooner trust a monkey with a head injury to make better foreign policy decisions than Donald Trump.
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