ABC News: "Conservative Writer George Will Drops out of GOP Over Trump." Oh.
"This is not my party," he says.
Except: It is his party. It's the party that gets built when you spend decades exploiting fear and bigotry.
I just don't understand who these jokers think they're fooling by pretending that Donald Trump and his supporters aren't "their party." Fuck yes they are your party. Just because Trump prefers a bullhorn to a dogwhistle doesn't make him not part of your party.
What difference is it supposed to make to women if your nominee says we should be punished for abortion, or if your policies just punish us?
— Melissa McEwan (@Shakestweetz) June 25, 2016
You can put it in "nicer" (more dishonest) words but it doesn't actually matter when the practical result to marginalized people is the same
— Melissa McEwan (@Shakestweetz) June 25, 2016
This is the truth with which Republicans (or ex-Republicans) like Will refuse to reckon: I don't actually give a flying flunderton whether your nominee puts your ghastly policies in nicer words. The effect of the policy is still the same.
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