Bernie Sanders, fresh off saying with a straight face "It doesn't appear that I'm going to be the nominee," has now written a piece for the Washington Post about what he and his supporters want: "Here's what we want."
Just for the record: "To defeat Donald Trump" appears nowhere in the piece.
I'm not suggesting he doesn't want that. I've heard him say that he does. But it's curious that it still doesn't seem to be a key priority for him at this point. Not enough of a priority that he mentions it, encourages unity, or endorses Hillary Clinton, anyway.
Which is to say nothing of the fact that most of his list of wants are things that Hillary Clinton and her supporters also want. Which underlines, once again, that Clinton's and Sanders' primary disagreement was about how to get those things done.
It's long past time for Bernie to acknowledge that, instead of continuing to imply that Clinton and her supporters want different things altogether.
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