Primary Night Open Thread

It's going to be a long night, and I'm going to be sticking with it until the polls close in California. I'll be updating this post with various news and items of interest, and please feel welcome and encouraged to drop primary night (and history-making!) items in comments, in addition to what I hope will be very excited discussion!

In the meantime, here's a terrific video the video has released ahead of the victory party tonight!

Video Description: A series of images and quotes highlighting women's political history in the United States, including women of color, young and old women, trans women, and all sorts of different women, which culminates in Hillary Clinton saying in voiceover: "Women and men, young and old, Latino and Asian, African American and caucasian, rich, poor, and middle class, gay and straight, you have stood with me, and I will continue to stand strong with you. Every time, every place, and every way that I can. The dreams we share are worth fighting for. And I want to build an America that respects and embraces the potential of every last one of us." Text onscreen: "Let's keep making history."

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In case anyone wants some unabashed pro-Hillary reading tonight, as we wait for the results to roll in and the victory party to start, here are some of my favorite pieces I've written about Hillary during the primary:

Apr 22, '15: No Poker Face.

Jan 28: The Inherent Misogyny of Sanders' Antiestablishmentarianism.

Feb 1: History's Greatest Monster.

Feb 3: I Am a Hillary Clinton Supporter Who Has Not Always Been One.

Feb 3: Expectations of the Monster.

Feb 9: Sure, But What About the Important People Who Matter?

Feb 10: The Media's Favorite Game.

Feb 18: No, Bernie Didn't Make Hillary a Better Candidate, She Did That Herself.

Mar 10: Thoroughly Human Hillary.

Mar 21: Why Hillary Hate Hurts Us All.

Mar 23: Unlikeable.

Mar 29: How the False Narrative of Hillary's Enthusiasm Gap Crashed into Reality.

Apr 5: Cheers: I Think Hillary Would Have a Beer with Me.

Apr 8: The Media's Futile Obsession with Hillary's Likability.

Apr 12: The Great Unexamined Irony of Hillary's Career.

Apr 19: Yes, It Matters That Hillary Is a Woman.

Apr 22: Indomitable: The Girl from Park Ridge Who Became Hillary Clinton.

May 2: Why Older Women Are So Enthusiastic About Hillary.

May 3: Balancing the Scales.

May 9: This Election.

May 11: When I Was a Little Girl, I Memorized a List of Male Presidents.

May 12: Trump's Biggest Nightmare: Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama Campaigning Together.

May 19: Hillary Clinton and the Power of Listening.

May 24: Ready for Hillary, in All Ways.

May 27: She Shouldn't Have to Navigate This Toxic Stew, But I'm Damn Appreciative That She Does.

May 31: Maybe I Just Like Hillary's Voice Because of the Things She Says With It.

June 2: Hillary's Epic Takedown of Donald Was One of the Best Moments of 2016.

June 2: Hillary + Girls.

June 6: It's Been 227 Years—And Now We Are One Day Away.

June 7: Here We Are.

June 7: Dear Hillary: Thank You.

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Bernie Sanders, what are you even doing?

Bernie Sanders: I believe that if those superdelegates are honest with themselves, if they look at all of the national polling, all of the state polling, the nature of our organization, they will conclude that if we want to beat Donald Trump, and it is absolutely imperative that we defeat Donald Trump, that Bernie Sanders is the strongest candidate.

Lester Holt: Are you going to try to turn them?

Sanders: Yeah. We are. We're on the phone right now.

Holt: You'd be defying history; you'd be defying the will of the voter. Hillary Clinton—

Sanders: [laughs] Well, defying history is what this campaign has been about.
That is certainly an odd, ahem, choice of words to use on the day that Hillary Clinton has made history.

Which is, of course, to say nothing about how Bernie Sanders is arguing to overturn the entire Democratic election process in direct contravention of the will of the majority of voters, to have the superdelegates declare him the winner.

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Below, the live stream of Clinton's victory address in Brooklyn, if you want to tune in online.

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I have a new piece up at BNR, which I hope you will read (and share, if you're on social media). I hope you enjoy it; I hope it means something to you: "#HistoryMade: THANK YOU HILLARY!"

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image of me smiling, holding out my hand, on which I've written #HistoryMade

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