She's Ready and So Am I

Y'ALL. Hillary Clinton just gave an AMAZING foreign policy address, in which she basically ripped Donald Trump to shreds and showed the world why she is A+ presidential material. HOLY SHIT IT WAS GREAT.

For anyone who missed it, here's my Executive Summary:

image of flames

If you'd like to watch it—which I highly recommend!—here's the video (and if that gets taken down, it's available at C-SPAN):

TIME has a complete transcript.

And, naturally, I had a few things to say about it over at BNR:
She is ready. Every word of her speech conveyed her readiness. She sounded smart, she sounded strong, and she sounded like she was having fun. She was in her zone.

Because she knows how to fight. She wouldn't be where she is now if she didn't know how to fight bigots and bullies. Trust that.

She didn't get where she is—the first woman to stand on the precipice of the US presidency—by accident or luck. She made her way to the podium, today, following a long journey littered with barriers and brawls that would leave most mere mortals in a crumpled heap.

Hillary has been obliged, often unfairly, to be extraordinary. And so she is.
Head on over to read the rest.

Woo. Flames. Woo.

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