Super Tuesday Part Whatever!

Today is another—and the final!—Super Tuesday, with primaries in California, Montana, New Jersey, New Mexico, and South Dakota, as well as a Democratic caucus in North Dakota!

Although the AP announced last night that Hillary Clinton has reached enough combined pledged delegates and committed superdelegates to have clinched the Democratic nomination, she won't officially reach the threshold of a majority of pledged delegates until the polls close this evening.

Which means that EVERYONE IN THOSE STATES STILL NEEDS TO GO VOTE! Not only because she's still out there working for every last vote, and not only because there are other state and local races on the ballot that need attention, but also because which states she wins will probably determine how Bernie Sanders moves forward in this process.

That is, if he loses California, it will severely hamper any argument he has left for continuing to campaign until the convention.

So, get out there and vote! Vote in celebration! Vote in gratitude! Just go vote!


(I admit I started early. Wink!)

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