I've got a new piece up at BNR about Donald Trump's career of thieving:
On the opening night of the Republican Convention, Melania Trump gave an address that clearly plagiarized Michelle Obama's "One Nation" speech. Irrespective of whether it was written by her with a little help, as she claimed, or penned by a speechwriter, it should have been thoroughly vetted by her husband's campaign. The buck stops with Donald.There is much, much more at the link.
When he came onstage to introduce her, Donald made a dramatic entrance set to Queen's "We Are the Champions," despite the fact that the band has repeatedly asked him to stop using their music.
Donald is the nominee of a party whose platform is rife with bigotry. He has eagerly embraced that bigotry, flaunting it like a badge of honor. So it's hardly shocking that day one of the Republican convention featured the unabashed theft of the intellectual property of a Black woman and a queer man.
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