[Content Note: Guns; mass shooting; eliminationist imagery.]
Peter Daou: "In Wake of Horrific Massacre of Dallas Cops, Fox News Attacks Obama." If even the mass shooting of police officers doesn't mean we can have a conversation about gun reform, I don't even fucking know.
Meanwhile, here's me on what the NRA, the organization most responsible for why we can't have that conversation, is getting up to at the moment: "Pro-Donald NRA Ad Appears to Incite Violence Against Hillary."
I'm just so angry. I'm angry about state sanctioned violence against Black men and women; I'm angry about mass violence committed with assault weapons against private citizens and against police.
I'm angry about the number of guns in this country and how they are used. I'm angry about the militarization of police forces, and I'm angry about the militarization of a citizenry who has access to assault weapons, and I'm angry that we only ever talk about the first half of that equation, because the second is just as important.
I'm angry that we can't even have an honest goddamn conversation about any of this.
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