VP Biden in sit down interview with us just now: "I've talked to Bernie. Bernie is going to endorse her." @NPRWeekend
— Rachel Martin (@rachelnpr) June 30, 2016
Big news! Except, if you know anything about Joe Biden, you know that: 1. He's got a big mouth; and 2. Sometimes he uses his reputation for having a big mouth to pressure other politicians into doing what he thinks they should do. See: Same-sex marriage.
So I didn't really expect Sanders to endorse Clinton during his interview with Chris Hayes last night. Instead, I expected Sanders to not endorse Clinton and to rattle off a list of demands. Oh—spoiler warning.
Bernie Sanders doesn't deny VP Biden's claim that an endorsement of Hillary Clinton is coming. #inners https://t.co/irKbbA2xnM
— All In w/Chris Hayes (@allinwithchris) July 1, 2016
Hayes: We have this tweet from, uh, Rachel Martin at NPR, who said in an interview conducted with Vice President Biden, he just said, "I've talked to Bernie. Bernie is going to endorse her." Her being Hillary Clinton. Is this true?I. Fucking. Can't.
Sanders: [smiling and laughing] I talked to Joe—I think it was three weeks ago! Uh, look, on that issue, we are trying to work with Secretary Clinton's campaign, uh, on areas that we can agree on, where the people who supported me—we got about twelve, thirteen million votes. And what they want to see, whether it is on making—moving toward—making public colleges and universities tuition free, or moving very aggressively in terms of healthcare, and moving us toward a universal healthcare system, significantly expanding primary healthcare. Those are the issues that we're working with, uh, Secretary Clinton on now, and I hope we can be successful.
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