Democratic Convention Day Four Wrap-Up!

That sound you heard last night was the shattering of glass.

I again did some live-tweeting of the primetime speakers, and I've Storified those tweets for anyone who wants to read them.

Here are a few of the pieces we published at BNR last night:

Ginger: Who Runs the World of the Democratic Convention? Black Women.

Me: Wow: Muslim American Offers Donald His Copy of the Constitution.

Susie: Preach: Rev. William Barber Brings Down the House at Dem Convention.

Peter: Awe: Look at the Face of This Woman as Hillary Talks About Making History.

Video Team: [Note: Video may autoplay at link] Jarrett Hill: My American Dream.

Naturally, Hillary Clinton gave a terrific address: Part stump speech, part acceptance speech, part fuck no Trump speech. Below, video of the complete address (and link to transcript):

[Complete transcript available at the Washington Post.]

What can I say? She should be our next president. Not just because Trump is a nightmare human, but because she is the most qualified candidate we've ever had. Ever.

I mostly kept it together through her speech. The moment I just utterly broke down was actually at the very end, when she was standing there on the stage alone in her smart white suit, waving to the crowd, and it struck me: There's a woman standing on the stage, not because she's the wife, but because she's the nominee.

I still can't quite get over it. I hope I never do.

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