History's Greatest Monster Strikes Again

[Content Note: Misogyny; disablism.]

So, as you may have heard BECAUSE IT'S VERY IMPORTANT, Hillary Clinton made a joke during a campaign event yesterday. I hope you are sitting down, because this is MORE PROOF that she is A DIABOLICAL FIEND.

—'cause we're gonna have a lot of jobs, jobs from building infrastructure to coding. Creating new apps. I don't know who created Pokémon Go [cheers] but I'm trying to figure out how we get them to have Pokémon Go to the Polls. [applause]

Lest you think I'm being hyperbolic, Peter Daou collected some of the media responses to Clinton's goofy joke. A few of GERJILLIONS.

I bet you're unsurprised to hear that I had a few things to say about that!

And the result of my defending Clinton? If you guessed that I was harassed, give yourself a gold star.

What else is there to say?

Maybe this: I like you, Hillary Clinton. Authentically.

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