In the News
My time continues to be tight because of convention stuff, so let's continue to crowdsource this! Please feel free to use this thread to share news items of interest you've seen in your travels 'round the web today.
(As always, please be sure to add relevant content notes. Thanks!)
Here are a couple of links of interest:
[Content Note: Video may autoplay at link] If you missed Hillary Clinton's and Tim Kaine's joint appearance on Meet the Press last night, you can view it here, and the complete transcript is lower on the same page. I was amazed and delighted by their chemistry. It reminds me a whole lot of her camaraderie with President Obama, and, needless to say, I believe that's a very good thing!
[CN: Gun violence; death] Fort Myers Shooting: 2 Dead, More Than Dozen Wounded After Teen Event.
Hillary Clinton's VP Pick Gets Warm Reception from LGBT Groups.
Democratic Convention Makes History with First Openly Transgender Speaker.
[CN: Nazi reference; bigotry] Resignation Letter
(As always, please be sure to add relevant content notes. Thanks!)
Here are a couple of links of interest:
[Content Note: Video may autoplay at link] If you missed Hillary Clinton's and Tim Kaine's joint appearance on Meet the Press last night, you can view it here, and the complete transcript is lower on the same page. I was amazed and delighted by their chemistry. It reminds me a whole lot of her camaraderie with President Obama, and, needless to say, I believe that's a very good thing!
[CN: Gun violence; death] Fort Myers Shooting: 2 Dead, More Than Dozen Wounded After Teen Event.
Hillary Clinton's VP Pick Gets Warm Reception from LGBT Groups.
Democratic Convention Makes History with First Openly Transgender Speaker.
[CN: Nazi reference; bigotry] Resignation Letter
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