The afternoon session went really well LOLOLOLOLOLOL JUST KIDDING! It was complete chaos as the Never Trumpers lost their last best bid to derail Donald Trump's candidacy:
Anti-Trump delegates trying to cause the GOP nominee embarrassment on the floor of the convention in Cleveland lost in what may have been their last best chance make a symbolic stand against Donald Trump.Welp!
Trump foes said they had the signatures of a majority of the delegates from nine delegations to force a roll call vote on the convention's rules. However, when it became time to approve the rules, the officials presiding said that the three of those delegations had withdrawn their petition, and the rules were approved in a voice vote.
The scene on the floor was chaotic when the vote on the convention's rules was called. The anti-Trump delegates, many of them clustered around the Virginia delegation, began chanting "Dump Trump," only to be met by chants of "USA, USA."
I'm sure tonight will go great, though, with a cool slate of primetime speakers including Rudy Giuliani, Melania Trump, and US Senator Joni Ernst!
Look, I'll give the Republicans this: They are SUPER good at being embarrassing.
— Melissa McEwan (@Shakestweetz) July 18, 2016
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