I've got a new piece up at BNR: "SHE DID IT!!! Hillary Overcame the Haters with Grace and Dignity."
A friend of mine, a professor of women's history, once said to me during a conversation about women trailblazers that history looks back on these women through a lens that often filters out the vast array of difficulties they had to navigate on the way to their remembered achievements.Head on over to read the whole thing, because to truly honor the profundity of Hillary's achievement, we must acknowledge the full landscape of her journey to get there.
The destination is what we celebrate, and while it's generally agreed that the path must have been tough, rarely are the details, in their specificity and scope, so well-recalled.
It has taken 227 years for a woman to achieve what Hillary achieved today. For the most part, people agree that she had to overcome some obstacles to get here.
But will history remember how truly plethoric and pervasive those obstacles were?
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