Toxic Trump

Human manifestation of a flaming dumpster Donald Trump will be lucky if he can find himself a running mate, even if his vetting process really is constituted of nothing more than a willingness to stand beside him. Because over the course of the past two days, he's had two contenders, and both of them have withdrawn themselves from consideration.

1. "Sen. Bob Corker (R-Tenn.), the chairman of the powerful Senate Foreign Relations Committee who has recently emerged as a finalist in the search for Donald Trump's running mate, told The Washington Post in an interview Wednesday that he has taken himself out of consideration for the position."

2. "Sen. Joni Ernst all but removed herself from Donald Trump's vice presidential search, telling POLITICO in an interview that she wants to help Trump become president but that she's focused on Iowa and the Senate, where the freshman senator said she's 'just getting started.'"

Hahahahahahahahahaha whoooooooooooooops!

At this point, Trump's left with Newt Gingrich, Chris Christie, and Mike Pence, none of whom add anything to his ticket, in terms of broadening his base of support.

And all of whom are smart enough to know that Trump ain't gonna win, but are willing to take the free publicity ahead of their own presidential runs in 2020.

Willing for now, anyway. One more moment of waxing rhapsodic about a dictator, and he may lose even these opportunistic fuckos.

Welp, I'm sure one of his kids will agree to be on his ticket.

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