The team at BNR, some of whom were on the ground in Cleveland, put together this amazing video of Trump's Convention of "Death, Destruction, Terrorism, and Weakness," which tells the ugly tale of the past four days:
Video Description: Scenes of person-on-the street interviews with convention attendees outside the convention are interspersed with clips of what was happening inside the convention hall. Average people saying terrible things about President Obama, Hillary Clinton, women, brown people, and LGBTQ people outside; speakers saying horrible things about Hillary Clinton and marginalized people inside. Lots of chanting about how Clinton needs to be imprisoned. And then clips from Donald Trump's speech, culminating in his screaming "I am your voice!"This is a stunning historical document of what happened at this convention. I grieve that this is where we are, but I am also proud to have been a part of documenting this very alarming moment. We're on a precipice, with an important choice before us.
This video documents one of our options, in a very stark and very important way. Because a vote for Trump isn't just a vote for Trump. It's a vote for all of this.
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