In the News

So, between continuing at Shakesville and taking on more responsibility at BNR, I've increasingly been left with almost no time in any of my days where I am not working. Free time, recreation time, even time to do basic chores around the house have become difficult to find.

And I realized yesterday that crowdsourcing In the News is one of the ways I can free up some of my time, and not an insignificant amount, since it usually takes me at least an hour, and often more, every day.

Starting today, and moving forward, I'm going to continue with the more truncated version of In the News, with my apologies to those who really value the longer version, and with the hope you will understand that something's just gotta give, so I don't totally flame out.

So! Here are a couple of links of interest from the news today:

Congratulations to May Garcia, 104 years old and a brand new U.S. citizen! Yay!

"This one quote says it all about Trump's 'minority outreach'... Here's the quote from Trump campaign manager Kellyanne Conway, in an interview with ABC News: 'This entire conversation had to be had. Republican presidential nominees usually aren't bold enough to go into communities of color and take the case right to them, and compete for all ears and compete for all votes. They've been afraid to do that. So, Mr. Trump deserves credit for at least taking the case directly to the people.'" He deserves credit! LOL!

[Content Note: War on agency; transphobia] Here Comes the Next Big Civil Rights Fight in Health Care. Always read everything Jessica Mason Pieklo writes!

[CN: Rape culture; sexual assault; victim-blaming; self-harm] Stop Telling Women to Stay Sober. Always read everything Jamil Smith writes!

SETI Team Investigating Mysterious Signal from Star 94 Light-Years Away. Ooh!

With Dogs, It's What You Say—and How You Say It.

And finally:

What have you been reading?

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