
[Content Note: Disablism; food policing.]

So, the new conspiracy theory among the anti-Clinton brigade (especially among Trump supporters) is that Hillary Clinton has some serious undisclosed health issue. I'm not going to link to it, because nope, but I've reviewed their "evidence," and it's as ridiculous as you'd imagine.

Their assertion is that she has some sort of seizure disorder, and all I will say is this: It doesn't even matter if it's true. This is just rank disablism. Nothing about having a seizure disorder prevents someone from doing the job. If I knew FOR A FACT that Donald Trump was on meds for seizures, it would be at the absolute bottom of my list of concerns about him.

And speaking of Trump, a hashtag about his diet was trending this morning, because of this piece in the New York Times about his love of "junk food."

Who cares. I have zero interest in policing Trump's food consumption, and I don't think the food that people eat says anything about their character.

The only interest I have in what Donald Trump eats is when he uses it as a misogynist and/or racist dogwhistle. The end.

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