She Amazes Me

[Content Note: Threat of harm; violent incitement.]

One day after Donald Trump suggested that maybe someone should assassinate Hillary Clinton, Secret Service tackled an animal rights protester during a Clinton campaign event. The protester almost certainly posed no threat to Clinton, but there is no assurance of that—especially one day after Trump's dogshit comments.

While Secret Service agents contained and removed the protester, Clinton kept speaking, never losing her place, and even offering an ab-libbed "And some people get a little carried away, have you noticed that?"

I don't know how she does it. I don't know how she continues to maintain the wherewithal, day after day, to keep doing this work, under such enormous pressures and escalating threats to her safety, with an abundance of grace and fortitude.

She genuinely amazes me.

I know I've said this countless times now, but I am just so consistently and deeply moved by a person working so hard to earn the presidency of a country whose people, in large measure, are persistently unkind to her.

She loves this country. I don't know how that could ever be in doubt.

She is a patriot, and she is indomitable.

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