[Content Note: Incitement.]
From the BNR Team: "EXCLUSIVE: Big Media Mentioned Hillary's Emails EVERY DAY of 2016."
In fact, I can tell you, since I was involved in the research on this project, that the media has mentioned Hillary Clinton's emails every. single. day. for more than a year, back to August 1, 2015. And probably longer, though that's where we stopped.
Peter Daou writes: "It is an unfathomable reality: Donald Trump, who bashes the media with unrestrained aggression, gets a day or two of tepid coverage for profoundly reckless and dangerous statements. Meanwhile Hillary cannot spend a single day campaigning without having the public reminded about a situation for which she apologized and was found by the FBI to have committed no intentional wrongdoing."
Today marks exactly one week since Trump called for the "Second Amendment people" to find a solution for Clinton getting to nominate Supreme Court justices. And I found only three mentions of it in major media today:
1. At CNN: "Yitzhak Rabin's son: 'Words do kill'."
2. At USA Today: "Yuval Rabin: My father was killed at a moment like this."
3. At the Boston Globe: "Donald Trump lays out plan to fight ISIS."
That's it. One week after Trump tacitly incited the assassination of Clinton, there are three articles about it in major media, two of which are because Yuval Rabin is speaking out about it.
Meanwhile, we have had daily mentions of Clinton's email usage for more than a year.
Our media is broken. Profoundly broken.
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