1. Hillary Clinton had better release more and more and MORE medical records, because otherwise how are we going to believe her that she's only got pneumonia?! WHAT ARE WE SUPPOSED TO DO? TAKE HER WORD FOR IT? LOL PLEASE! It's about TRANSPARENCY, people. And obviously people who think she's a LIAR about EVERYTHING are definitely going to believe medical records that show a generally clean bill of health. THAT WILL CRUSH THE CONSPIRACY! FOR SURE. This is definitely not another "optics" issue manufactured by the media, like the Clinton Foundation and emails and EVERYTHING ELSE EVER, but a real concern of serious people whose curiosity and suspicion will TOTALLY be quelched as soon as we see those medical records. Yup.

2. Donald Trump is a transparent bigot, but that doesn't matter, because Hillary said he's a bigot which is wayyyyy worse. Calling out racism is THE REAL RACISM. It's true. Look it up.

3. Our national media is garbage.

4. Tim Kaine continues to be very delightful and also makes good and serious points about how Donald Trump is a terrible candidate. I hope he's never sent or received any emails or started a foundation that has saved millions of lives or coughed or sat on a stool or felt faint from a combination of heat and pneumonia or rested against a pillow. Although it probably doesn't matter, because he's a dude.

5. Mike Pence continues to be the absolute fucking worst.

55 more days of this shit.

That about sums it up! Discuss.

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