[Content Note: Racism.]
1. Hillary Clinton spoke at the 39th annual Black Women's Agenda Symposium Workshop and Awards Luncheon last Friday, and here is something she said: "You, your daughters, your granddaughters ... leave the house every morning, put on that game face that we all practice and enter a society that consistently challenges your worth. Yet you remain fierce in the face of these challenges. ...While your stories are often missing from the history books, make no mistake—you are the change makers, the path breakers and the ground shakers. And you are proof that, yes indeed, black girl magic is real."
2. Donald Trump spoke at a campaign event in Kenansville, NC, last night, and here is something he said: "We're going to rebuild our inner cities because our African American communities are absolutely in the worst shape they've ever been in before. Ever, ever, ever." And, hey, here's an interesting factoid: "Kenansville itself is named after a man whose family owned a slave plantation."
3. BUT BOTH CANDIDATES ARE TERRIBLE. EQUALLY TERRIBLE. Oh, also: Our national media is garbage.
4. Tim Kaine continues to be very delightful and also makes good and serious points about how Donald Trump is a terrible candidate. I hope he's never sent or received any emails or started a foundation that has saved millions of lives or coughed or sat on a stool or felt faint from a combination of heat and pneumonia or rested against a pillow or SUSPICIOUSLY wore his purse on a different shoulder than usual one day or change his hairstyle or wear something unflattering or tried to walk up airplane steps in heels. Although it probably doesn't matter, because he's a dude.
5. Mike Pence continues to be the absolute fucking worst.
47 more days of this shit.
That about sums it up! Discuss.
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