I've got a new piece at Shareblue about Hillary Clinton's new ad and how Donald Trump's words about women's bodies and appearances don't exist in a vacuum, but in a world where girls (and women) hear them and are affected by them. And also about how any dude who think women aren't his equal can't be trusted to protect our rights.
"Is this the president we want for our daughters?" asks the ad.Head on over to read the whole thing.
Trump does not respect women. (Nor does his running mate.) His vile comments about women's appearance and their primary value as property are legendary. His policies regarding women's healthcare and earnings are grim.
...A person who doesn't view women as equal cannot be entrusted to lead the nation in a way that ensures our legal equality is respected and enforced. We cannot be assured that even our most basic rights will be upheld by a man who believes we are inferior; who uses us to insult other men.
I can't even begin to convey how deeply upsetting it will be if this guy is elected instead of a woman who has dedicated her life to improving the lives of women and children.
First female feminist president, or dude who uses "little girl" to insult other men? Maude help us. How is this even a choice?
(That, of course, is rhetorical.)
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