Hey, remember when I posted that piece about the photo of Hillary Clinton sitting on a folding chair?
Well, the response to it has been really fascinating, and I wrote about that over at Shareblue.
It occurred to me that there is not just a dearth of stories about Clinton supporters; there is also a dearth of stories about Clinton herself, the way her supporters see her.As always, there is much more at the link.
There is a frustrating abundance of stories casting Clinton as any one of the myriad caricatures of her that have been drawn over decades, but precious few that are written with an eye to look at her, the human being behind the exaggerations, mischaracterizations, and outright lies.
It is remarkably rare to find someone writing about Clinton in a way that neither demeans her, nor tasks her with the colossal obligation to be unyieldingly inspiring. Putting someone on a pedestal, after all, can be just as dehumanizing as kicking them into the dirt.
I do not need Clinton to be on a pedestal. I can see her just fine sitting on a folding chair.
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