Here is some stuff in the news today...
[Content Note: Sexual assault] A fifteenth woman has come forward to speak out about being sexually assaulted by Donald Trump: "It was a story Cathy Heller had told many friends and family members over the years, but is only now telling in public. Some 20 years ago, she claims, when she met Donald Trump for the first and only time, he grabbed her, went for a kiss, and grew angry with her as she twisted away. 'Oh, come on,' she alleges that he barked, before holding her firmly in place and planting his lips on hers. It is exactly what Trump claimed, in the most recent presidential debate, that he did not do. And so Heller has added her voice to a chorus of women now accusing Trump of unwanted behavior. 'He can't claim we're all liars,' Heller said."
[CN: Sexual assault] Excellent point: "MGM, NBC, and The Apprentice producer Mark Burnett have been using what may be shaky legal arguments to protect Donald Trump from the release of tapes many say further reveal racist and misogynistic attitudes of the GOP's presidential nominee. Now it turns out they will relaunch the show in January with a new host, former California Republican Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, who has also been accused of allegedly groping women on 'movie sets, in studios, and in other settings.'"
[CN: Misogyny] GOOD GRIEF: "Pennsylvania Man Wonders What Will Happen to America If Hillary Clinton Has Her Period." Maude save us.
My Shareblue colleague Peter Daou explains how "Clinton's emails, leaks and transcripts are a disaster—for her opponents."
"To the First Lady, with Love: Four thank-you notes to Michelle Obama, who has spent the past eight years quietly and confidently changing the course of American history."
[CN: Animal endangerment] "Can the rare, tiny Key deer survive a flesh-eating worm?" Oh dear, I hope so! A really good article about the efforts to help save the Key deer, which is what we owe them, given we're the ones who almost wiped them out.
[CN: Video may autoplay at link] Whoa: "Killer Whale using bait to hunt birds."
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