Here is some stuff in the news today...
Good lord: "Joe Scarborough implodes." Pretty much.
[Content Note: Exploitation] Kurt Eichenwald has another great piece on Donald Trump's horrendous business practices: "A People's History of Donald Trump's Business Busts and Countless Victims."
[CN: Violence] This is a must-read: "Extremist militias recruiting in fear of Clinton winning election, activists say."
[CN: Sexual assault] Hell yes: "Sexual Assault Survivors Protest at Trump Tower." Brave women doing an important thing.
Wowwwww: "A new billboard in Dearborn, Michigan says in Arabic: 'Donald Trump: He can't read this, but he's afraid of it.'" A+
Donald Trump's idea of a "get rich quick" scheme includes becoming Secretary of State lololol! As step two! Hahahahaha! (Also: Trump's sad little cartoon is grade-A bullshit, but I'm presuming you already knew that.)
Vogue has endorsed Hillary Clinton: "Vogue has no history of political endorsements. Editors in chief have made their opinions known from time to time, but the magazine has never spoken in an election with a single voice. Given the profound stakes of this one, and the history that stands to be made, we feel that should change. Vogue endorses Hillary Clinton for president of the United States."
LOL this guy! "Watch President Obama Crack Jokes About His Greatest Strength in a New Video For Hillary Clinton." The President also stopped by Stephen Colbert's show last night for some more silliness.
[CN: Injury] OMGGGGGG please don't do ghost pepper food challenges! "Man ate a pepper so hot it tore a hole in his esophagus."
"Woman and Her Dog Dress Like Wayne's World Characters for Halloween; Totally Nail It." As described!
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