"It's good to be ambitious." Those are five deceptively powerful words. They are words that girls and women rarely hear, and to hear them from a woman who is on the precipice of breaking into the biggest, baddest boys' club on the planet is quite special.As always, there's more at the link!
...She knows the creeping self-doubt that springs forth from seeds of discouragement, planted by sinister opposition. And thus she knows how important it is not just to help blaze the trail, but to call to those behind her: It is good to come this way.
This election is terrible. And also? IT IS AMAZING. I feel like every day there is a precious gift to appreciate, a gem buried in all the ash spewing forth from Mount Trump.
I have waited a very long time for this election, and it isn't going exactly how I'd hoped, to put it mildly, but I'll be goddamned if I'm gonna let Trump overwhelm my capacity to enjoy the good stuff. The great stuff. THE BEST STUFF.
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