I haven't been keeping up with what Professor James Franco has been doing in quite some time, but of course—OF COURSE—he has something to say about this election, and it is 100% grade-A Franco.

Video Description: The ad, a product of the WomenVOTEProject, is a send-up of the Dos Equis "Most Interesting Man in the World" series of adverts, but instead features Hillary Clinton as the Most Interesting Woman in the World.

Over a series of still images and video clips of Hillary Clinton, James Franco says in voiceover: "The smartest guy in the room is always her. After she opens a can of whoop-ass, she always recycles the can. Her Secret Service code name is Hermione, because she's a fucking wizard. She's the most interesting woman in the world."

Franco appears onscreen, speaking to camera, and says: "I don't always endorse candidates—" Cut to Franco standing beside a cardboard cutout of Clinton, his arm draped over her shoulder, drinking out of a Hillary 2016 mug: "—but when I do, they're extraordinary."

Cut to the mug being set down on a table, next to a plate of toast. One piece of toast has her H-logo toasted into it, and the other has her face toasted into it. "Vote wisely, my friends" Franco says, in voiceover. Cut to Franco looking at the camera and winking.

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