This is going to be the bluntest fundraiser I've ever done: This election is hard. It has taken a toll on me, being deeply and constantly immersed in the news, spending so much time with (as it were) Donald Trump and his supporters, and with people who are cruel to Hillary Clinton.
I've navigated a damn lot of vicious pushback, staking out the ground I did during the primary and during the general election.
It is only getting more difficult and distressing by the day, for reasons I'm sure I don't need to explain.
If you have valued being able to come to this space during this time, for commentary and a space to comment, please donate, if you can.
Please note that I don't want anyone to feel obliged to contribute financially, especially if money is tight. There is a big enough readership that no one needs to donate if it would be a hardship, and no one should ever feel bad about that. ♥
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