Presidential Debate #3 Wrap-Up

Welp. That was...something.

As always, I live-tweeted the debate, and I have Storified those tweets for anyone who would like to see them.

And I have a piece at Shareblue on the debate: "Trump's America: Bad hombres and nasty women."

I don't know what could better sum up the final debate than the juxtaposition of Hillary Clinton's strongly defending reproductive choice and Donald Trump's leaning down into the microphone to sneer menacingly: "Such a nasty woman."

By any reasonable measure, he lost this debate. Just like he lost the first two.

I'll say once again: Congratulations, Hillary Clinton. You are carrying a lot on your shoulders; being the first woman in the nation's history in this position, being the standard bearer for women and the envoy of millions of people's hopes to stop Trump. That is a hell of a lot of pressure, and, as always, you rose you to the occasion. Wow. And thank you.

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