Quote of the Day

[Content Note: Bullying; bigotry.]

"If we accept Donald Trump's behavior, if we vote for him, then what exactly are we teaching our children? That it's okay to be disrespectful, racist, to make fun of disabled persons, to use vulgar language, to promote people to beat up others? In short, to be a bully."—Denise Kennedy, president of Pennsylvania State Education Association's Southeastern Region, on why members of that organization held a press conference "to condemn the bullying ways of Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump," as part of National Bullying Prevention Month, marked by schools across the country every October.
"If we saw this kind of behavior in our children, we would take action to reduce it with a goal of stopping it," said Kennett Consolidated School District teacher Korri Brown. "Yet, every insulting outburst seems to bring Mr. Trump more attention."

..."So I am here to say, we cannot allow Mr. Trump to win on Nov. 8, as educators, as parents, as people invested in our communities, we have a better, stronger option," said Brown. "Do we really want Mr. Trump serving in this highest office in the land, an office that, without question is a role model for our young people?"

..."In working with children, we teach academics, but more importantly, we teach and model love, kindness, empathy, tolerance, acceptance, and respect. This is how we build character and strong children," she said.

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