Two Peas in the Worst Pod

I've got a new piece at Shareblue with a timely reminder that Mike Pence plays from the same handbook as Donald Trump:
This is your regular reminder that Mike Pence is just Donald Trump without the theatrics: As Trump disgorges broadsides about how "this whole thing is rigged" at campaign events, Pence is doing the same thing via his preferred subtler route.

...Trump and Pence are playing with fire. People who lose faith in their governmental institutions can be dangerous. They know this: Indeed, fomenting the rage of perceived injustice among their supporters is the very point. It is central to their platform.

The Republican Party, by virtue of its unwillingness to move even incrementally forward on social policy, is turning itself into a party that cannot win on a level playing field. So Trump and Pence are trying to upend the playing field altogether.

Trump is just more obvious about it.

When you see Republicans wistfully longing that Pence were at the top of the ticket, it is not because he has fundamentally different politics than Trump. It means they like what Trump is selling — they just do not like the way he is selling it.
As always, there's more at the link!

If you feel safe doing so, share widely! We've gotta make sure the GOP own this guy as much as the guy at the top of the ticket.

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