One of the curious things about this historic election is that pollsters have all but abandoned questioning whether the nation is "ready" for a woman president.There is, as always, more at the link!
The question has long been a staple of polls measuring national political attitudes: "Gallup have carried out similar polls at periodic intervals since 1937, when only one-third of those polled said they would back a female candidate."
But there has not been a polling question during the general election assessing readiness, even as we come ever closer to the possibility.
...The decision to stop asking the question seems less like a celebration that the nation has passed a crucial threshold and instead like further erasure of the sexism directed at Clinton and promulgated by her opponent.
Clinton is making history, and it is frustrating how many of our institutions seem invested in concealing the contours of the seismic history she is making.
It's really strange to me that they've stopped asking, and it's also strange to me that I'm the only one covering the election who seems to have noticed!
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