Daily Dose of Cute

image of Sophie the Torbie Cat hiding on top of a hamper in the bathroom; on the floor beside her, Matilda the Fluffy Sealpoint Cat plays with a piece of errant tissue

Sophie, hiding on top of a hamper in the bathroom, while the carpets were being steam-cleaned recently.

At one point during the cleaning, Iain and I were frantic, because we couldn't find any of the cats, and then Iain discovered all three of them in the bathroom: Sophie on top of the hamper, Matilda on one side, and Olivia on the other.

Olivia had already vacated by this point, because she can only stay away from food and playing with tinfoil balls for so long. Matilda (who fights the vacuum cleaner) wasn't scared, as evidenced by the fact she's playing with a piece of errant tissue in this photo. But the other cats were there, so she went along. "I guess we're all chilling by the hamper now!"

Sophie was having none of it, until the noise-making monsters had fully evacuated. At which point she did a slow slink, close to the floor, to explore, giving me a deeply aggrieved look as she passed.

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