Stay Engaged

[Content Note: Anti-Semitism.]

Last night, Donald Trump continued his hostility toward the press and circumvented them entirely by releasing a video online detailing his First 100 Days agenda.

And he described that agenda as "a list of executive actions we can take on day one," which is "based on a simple core principle—putting America first."

"America First" is a phrase with anti-Semitic roots, which the Anti-Defamation League has repeatedly urged him to stop using. Instead of removing it from his lexicon, he's now using it to define a "core principle" of his agenda.

Meanwhile, CNN convened a panel last night to discuss the views of a white supremacist who isn't sure "if Jews are people."

As a result, Twitter's trending topics were a horrifying nightmare.

And that was before they ran yet another panel later in the evening on white supremacy featuring four white men.

Some of these men may be Jewish, but it is nonetheless concerning that CNN feels it's fine to exclude people of color and/or women from a panel on white supremacy (which, as I will continue to observe, is deeply and inextricably tied to patriarchy).

We are in scary times. And we need to continue to pay attention to these details. They are important. Critically so.

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