Donald Trump tweeted that he is now considering retired neurosurgeon Dr. Ben Carson to lead the Department of Housing and Urban Development.As ever, there is more at the link.
This announcement comes exactly one week after Carson's business manager and close friend Armstrong Williams told The Hill that he was not interested in serving as the Secretary of Health and Human Services, because "Dr. Carson feels he has no government experience, he's never run a federal agency."
The same article noted Carson's name was also being floated as a candidate for Secretary of Education. Williams said that no specific position had been offered to Carson, "but everything was open to him."
And evidently remains so, despite Carson's reported assertion that he is unqualified for these roles — roles which each require wildly disparate areas of expertise. The person who would be qualified to run the HHS, the Department of Education, and HUD would be a unique person indeed.
Carson is not the only person in Trump's circle who has been floated for multiple roles. Rudy Giuliani, for example, has been alternately said to be in the running for Attorney General, Secretary of State, and Director of National Intelligence.
Trump is signaling that relevant experience is totally irrelevant to him. The only qualification he values is fealty.
Honestly, this garbage is so galactically absurd it would be hilarious if I weren't keenly aware what devastating consequences it's going to have.
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