Clinton vs Trump in one word, according to Trump voters.
— Catherine Rampell (@crampell) November 1, 2016
Clinton vs Trump in one word, according to Clinton voters.
— Catherine Rampell (@crampell) November 1, 2016
In case you can't view them, the images in the above tweets show four word clouds: Trump supporters describing Clinton (1) and Trump (2) in one word, and Clinton supporters describing Trump (3) and Clinton (4) in one word. The most prominent three words in each are, respectively: Liar, corrupt, and criminal; patriot, leader, and strong; narcissist, asshole, and dangerous; qualified, smart, and presidential. Each of those words are then surrounded by lots of other descriptive words.
There are a lot of things I find interesting (a word hovering between the ends the spectrum from awesome to distressing) about these word clouds.
Foremost, I find really fascinating the difference between the positive descriptions: "Patriot" vs. "Qualified."
I'm also intrigued by how many fewer words Trump supporters use to describe Hillary. That word cloud is observably smaller than the others, which means the same words were repeated over and over. Which, of course, is an indication that people are much more likely to be repeating talking points and internalized biases than they are offering individual, thoughtfully considered assessments of her.
Anyway! There's a lot to explore here, and I could honestly spend another three hours picking these things apart, but I won't be greedy, lol. Have at it in comments!
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