The Cats of Shakes Manor have graciously offered to host Shakesville's New Year's Eve party.
Thank you for another great year, Shakers. By which I mean a great year at Shakesville, even despite 2016 being one aggressive fucktastrophe of a goddamned shitstorm of a relentlessly terrible year.
With a few bright spots, here and there. But all too few and far between, for a lot of us.
You have been my solace through some difficult times, and I hope this space has provided some of that to you in return. And I will try to continue to provide what comfort and safety I can in what are sure to be some dark times ahead.
I wish I had a better message on which to end this year. Then again, in an age of such divisive harm, having community is an invaluable thing.
None of us are alone. And that is a good thing in this moment.
I hope you all have a safe and happy New Year. If nothing else, at least this dumpster fire of a year is over!
See you Monday. ♥
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