A bunch of great pieces from various writers at Shareblue over the past couple of days...
Alison: "Trump's latest staffing picks bring the score to Swamp: 10 and Draining the Swamp: 0."
Tommy: "Choosing Tom Price exemplifies why we should expect the worst from Trump."
Me: "Schumer comes out swinging against Trump picks and GOP privatization plans."
Dianna: "Trump to embark on 'thank you' tour and keep avoiding the hard work of governing."
Me: "Loser Trump has lost much more than just the popular vote."
Dianna: "Trump's pledge to leave his 'great business' is just smoke and mirrors."
Tommy: "Trump breaks promise and sets perilous precedent with jobs deal."
Anthony: "Trump stands to violate a $180,000,000 federal contract on day one."
Me: "Warren lets loose on Trump for handing Treasury to Wall Street opportunist."
If you enjoy any or all of these pieces enough to share them on social media, please do! I know it's a damn lot of Trump reading, but at least you can count on us to be pushing back with equal parts fact and passion, as hard as we can.
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