[Content Note: Murder; white supremacy; eliminationism; death penalty] Rebecca Hersher at NPR: "Jury finds Dylann Roof guilty in S.C. church shooting."
[CN: Rape culture; child abuse] Tim Evans, Mark Alesia, and Marisa Kwiatkowski at the IndyStar: "A 20-year toll: 368 gymnasts allege sexual exploitation."
Sarah Kendzior at The Correspondent: "Donald Trump, Russia, and the Mystery of 'These People'."
T.R. Ramachandran at Shareblue: "How the U.S. political press enabled a post-truth America — Part 2."
Tommy Christopher at Shareblue: "Rex Tillerson's stocks shot up $9 million after he was tapped as Trump secretary of state."
Dianna E. Anderson at Shareblue: "Kasich vetoes heartbeat bill, signs dangerous 20-week abortion ban."
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